Friday, September 12, 2014


I think I need to join a book club, so that I can strike a decent conversation with someone about books. Anyone wants to talk about books?

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Sunday, May 25, 2014


I've been thinking hard,
Harder than usual,
I think I might lose my sanity,
Trying to figure out,
About the emptiness,
The emptiness that lingers,
Deep in my heart.

It's as though a large bullet had penetrated the heart,
Leaving spaces that can never be occupied with anything,
Yet, yet I wanted to know,

On how to fill the empty spaces,
On how to fill the void,
The hole that is as deep as the seas.

Would you mind telling me?
Or do I need to seek the answer myself?
Would you mind showing me the way?
Or do I need to find my own path?
Would you mind guiding me?
Or do I need to search for the light on my own?

Oh please, tell me,
Tell me,
Tell me, please,
Tell me,

The Traveller,

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Gone gone gone

I'm lovin' it!

 When life leaves you high and dry,
I'll be at your door tonight if you need help, if you need help,
I'll shut down the city lights,
I'll lie, cheat, I'll beg and bribe to make you well, to make you well,
When enemies are at your door I'll carry you away from war,
If you need help, if you need help,
Your hope dangling by a string,
I'll share in your suffering to make you well, to make you well...

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Two women & a child

There were two women and a child.

The first women:
The one who gave birth to that child during her jail term. She served her jail term patiently, waiting for her day to be released to come soon so that she can be reunited with her child. On the day of her release, she was told that her child is dead. It is devastating and heartbreaking to see a mother wept. She did not know she was lied to until a tragedy strikes.

The second women:
The one who raised the child like her own flesh and blood. She is unable to conceive her own child so she took the child to be her own. She has the slightest idea that the birth mother to that child is alive. She has been lied to.

The child:
A 5 years old boy.

The Story:
The birth mother wants to get her child back while the foster mother still wants to take care of the child as her own.
The foster mother said, "I will not give up on him." The birth mother said, "I have never give up on him."
The birth mother after seeing how happy her child is with the foster family decided to let the foster mother continue taking care of the child.

This is only a story. A story that I watched this morning. A story that moved me. A story that made me cry. Yes, it is only a story. But, I am sure in reality there is situation like this. What will you do if this situation happens to you? Would we be able to sacrifice ourselves so that our loved ones are happy even if letting them live without us by their side?

If it is hard to think, it is even harder to face the real situation.

Yours sincerely,

Monday, September 2, 2013


Situasi agak terkini:
A: "Rajinnya."
B: "Dia memang rajin. Haa, apa lagi. Tolonglah carikan utk dia."

Serius mati terus rasa nak buat kerja yg dok tengah buat.

Adakah setiap perbuatan perlu dikaitkan dengan mencari jodoh?

Kalau kawan yg kita biasa melawak & seumpamanya, x kisah pun. Tapi yg berkata kata tu.... Entahlah.

Mungkin risaukan seorang perempuan yg sudah menginjak ke usia 27 tahun tapi belum kahwin?

Tolong jgn risau. Tolong chill. Dah penat dengar ayat tu.

Tipulah x nak kahwin. Semua orang pun nak kot, nak rasa lengkap, nak rasa bahagia. Cumanya setiap seorang dari kita berbeza. Masa membezakan kita. Mungkin cepat & mungkin awal.

Jangan nak disamakan setiap org.

Sekian, post emo hari ini.

Pms kot.

posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, August 19, 2013


Today is my homesick day. Bersyukurlah bagi sesapa yg ada dekat dgn ayah & mak. Kami yg jauh ni sgt jeles. Sekian, terima kasih.

posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, August 12, 2013

Beth & John

Tetiba teringat. Bila tetiba teringat, tangan gatai nak menaip. Maka, di sinilah tempat yg sesuai sekali. Sebab x ramai pon yg tau blog ni. Selamat sikit. Muahahaha.

Kejadian berlaku pada bulan April 2013, waktu kat airport di Hanoi, tengah tunggu kapai terbang nak balik ke Ho Chi Minh. Wahh, specific nyaa. Haha.

Setelah selesai menunaikan solat, eden berlegar legar di sekitar kawasan departure tu, mencari port yg best utk layan lagu sambil berangan. Setelah selesai survey, eden terjumpa satu port yg mcm best. Maka eden pun duduklah.

Rupa-rupanya eden duduk bertentangan dgn satu old couple. Maka seperti biasa eden pun senyum lah. Sebab eden rasa kalau senyum, org yg diberi senyuman tu akan rasa dihargai. Wah chewahh. Mcm la depa rasa mcm tu kan. Haha. Takpa la, senyum tu kan sedekah. Ikut suka la apa yg org yg diberi senyuman tu nak rasa.

It turned out to be the couple is very friendly. Maka eden pon berbicara, bersembang dan seangkatan dengannya dgn couple tu. Yg perempuan tu namanya Beth manakala yg lelaki tu namanya John.

Maka kami pon berceritalah sambil tunggu flight. Depa dari Georgia rasanya. Pehtu yg Beth tu siap nyanyi lagu Ray Charles lagi. Hehe. Sgt cool eden rasa. Sbb dia mcm happy-go-lucky. Ceria saja.

Depa tak lokek nak bercerita pasai pengalaman depa terutamanya Beth. John rupanya ada kerja kat KL, jadinya Beth ikut teman. Lepas abes keja John depa start jalan2, mcm world trip la jugak.

Yg bestnya dia cerita pengalaman dia kat KL & org2 baik hati yg dia jumpa sepanjang dia duduk kat KL. Dia kata dia seronok jln jln kat situ. Eden tumpang bangga sat. Hehe. They even asked me about my work and whether it went well or not. And they even asked my opinion regarding the general election (waktu tu tengah sibuk pasal pilihanraya). So I answered them happily. I guess I am that kind of person who is comfortable in voicing out opinion to strangers. Hahaha.

Those conversation with them help me to kill the time at the airport. Actually, it is more than that. They helped me to realize many things. Because by now, I'm already lazy to type, I'll just summarize it into bullet points, as follows (chewahh skema pulak):

1. When you do kindness even if it is a small kindness, people will remember it.
2. Strangers can help you to see life in a different perspective.
3. Being happy help you to continue your journey in life.
4. When you have your loved ones by your side, everything is possible.
5. Travelling help you to learn more about everything.

That's just some of the key points that I obtained throughout my conversation with them. Sometimes, talking to strangers do make us realize something that we often neglected. I'm thankful for the brief encounter with them. Thanks Beth & John! :)

p:s/ I want someone that I can grow old together with! Hahaha. (Okay that is cheesy like cheesy wedges. Nak termuntah eden). Hahahaha.

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