Thursday, November 3, 2011

Lagu-lagu itu

Antara lagu-lagu yg dekat di hati, bersama seribu satu memori yg sentiasa di hati:

1. Sunnah Orang Berjuang.
  • sing-a-long song yang wajib ada sambil memandu "Humairah" di bumi Brisbane. 

2. Sebuah Pertemuan.
  •  Lin & Achik will come into my mind whenever I hear this song.

3. Kembara Hidup
  • Lirik yg dalam.

4. Mahar Cinta
  • oh, another sing-a-long song. yg pasti suka sgt lagu ni waktu mula2 kat brissy & Qilah will come into my mind whenever I hear this song.

5. Hijrah Menuju Allah
  • one word: Winter.

6. Ukhuwah Sejati

  • Salah satu lagu yg menjulang nama Brisbane menjadi juara nasyid. hehe.

7. Bersatu
  • lagu yg kitorg nyanyi waktu menang. (^_^)

8. oh, at the time I'm typing, I can't remember the title. But I can remember the lyric! hopeless me!
  • teringat Brisbond!

Jangan dengar saja, lirik pon kena hayati! -Self-reminder-

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Talk to me?

I don't like to communicate with people verbally. Simple English means that I don't like to talk much. I prefer to be listening to others than to do the talking itself. The last time I open my mouth to strike a decent conversation, I'm mistakenly misunderstood. Not that I blame other people for not being able to understand me, it's just me and my different attitude and style of communicating. I think there are a lot of reason why people don't understand me when I do the talking. Among the two major reasons are:

1. I like to jump into different topic without even hinting to the other person that I had actually move on to another topic, often leaving people to be dumbfounded or misunderstood.


A   : [she was talking about work]
Me: Jauh lagi perjalanan A kan?
A   : *silence*

She thought that I was referring to her journey in her career whereas I was referring to her journey to the carpark i.e. the distant to the carpark from where we stood. sigh.

She must have thought bad about me, simply saying that she wil have a longggg way to go regarding her career. I honestly was saying that she will have to walk further to arrive at the carpark. *Awkward*

2. I don't end my sentences like any other normal human being. I like to leave my sentences hanging as though as the other person would understand what I was trying to say.
Me: Betul tu. Kita buat yg tu macam....
B   : hmm?

I can't help it. Although sometimes I tried very hard to finish my sentences, the outcome will still be the same. sigh.

Those two are the top reasons why I prefer to shut my mouth, to avoid any misunderstanding that may result from my lack of communication skills. But, now, I need to work hard to improve my communication skill as this is one of the skill needed in my work. sigh. It is never too late to learn, I guess.

Having said all that, it is not that I don't talk at all, but I will talk with those who I felt comfortable with. Those who are very close to me, I sure do talk a lot! Trust me.

P/S: try talking with me, if you can understand me, bravo & kudos to you.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Is this the road for me to continue walking or is there another road waiting for me to explore?
My dear, time is running out on me.
Will I be able to stay put or there is a new direction waiting to be unfold?
The clock is ticking but I am still here.
What should I do?
I, myself, do not know.
Let fate take its course.
And I, I will decide when the time comes.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Salam Aidilfitri 1432

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Taqabballahu minna wa minkum.
Mohon maaf salah silap.

Selamat meraikan kemenangan kita setelah berjuang selama sebulan ini. Persoalannya, adakah perjuangan yang dilakukan sepanjang Ramadhan ini dapat diteruskan ke bulan-bulan seterusnya? Tepuk dada tanya iman. Semoga Allah memberikan kekuatan kepada kita semua untuk terus berjuang.

Tatkala kita gembira meraikan Syawal kali ini, penglihatan dan pendengaran kita masih lagi dijamahkan dengan khabar-khabar sedih. Saat melihat kaca televisyen di pagi hari, hati tersentuh melihatkan warga-warga emas yang ditinggalkan anak. Hati dihambat pilu saat seorang ibu tua merayu-rayu agar anaknya kembali mengambilnya. Katanya mahu beraya dengan anak-anak dan cucu-cucunya. Sehingga kini masih terngiang-ngiang di telinga kata-katanya, "Ambillah mak. Mak nak balik. Mak nak beraya dengan anak-anak mak dengan cucu-cucu mak." Hati kecil ini memanjatkan doa agar diri ini tidak menjadi salah seorang dari kalangan mereka yang lupakan ibu dan bapa.

Dalam kita bergembira, jangan dilupai orang yang dalam kesusahan dan kesedihan.

Salam Aidiliftri. Semoga Allah menerima amalan kita.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I Believe

When you’re searching for the light,
And you see no hope in sight,
Be sure and have no doubt,
He’s always close to you.

I Believe - Irfan Makki featuring Maher Zain
Antara lagu kegemaran di masa kini =)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Berapa hari lagi? 14

Rindu tempat ini & yg paling penting, rindu keluarga tersayang yg berada nun jauh di sana.

14 hari lagi untuk pulang ke kampung halaman.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Emotional Ride for a Day

    I will always remember those words because it struck deep into my heart. I am always an optimistic person but on 4th August 2011, I think I am the most pessimist person in the whole wide world.

    4th August 2011: I am officially physically, mentally and emotionally drained.

    I took it as a test.

    Saturday, July 30, 2011

    Harry Potter & Me

    The first time that I laid my eyes on that wonderful book is the time that I went to visit my grandmother at her house. My uncle and his family had just arrived from Brunei so my family and I decided to visit them. I was still in my primary school back then. I was sitting at the dining table situated outside the house with my mom when I saw a book. I was somehow magically drawn to that book the first time I saw it. Without futher ado, I grabbed that book and read the title. It was called "Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone." Being a book lover, I was totally immersed in reading the synopsis at the back of the book. My aunt saw me reading the book and she told me that the book belongs to her daughter and I can borrow it if I want to. Politely and shyly, I decline the offer. Not because I am not interested but because I am too shy to borrow it. Hehehe.

    When my family and I went back to our home, I asked my mom and dad to buy the book if we had the chance. To buy that book means that we had to go to Alor Setar because it was kind of difficult to find the book in Kangar. I was lucky that my parents agreed to buy the book as they have always been supportive when it come to books. I am thankful for the fact that they teaches me to love books especially English medium books since I was a kid.

    The chance to buy the book came and I was ecstatic when they bought me my first Harry Potter's book. From that day onward, I became a Harry Potter's fan. I will wait patiently for the next books to be published. While waiting for the next book, I will read and re-read the books that I already had without feeling bored at all. Time flies by and the last book was published when I was in Brisbane. I was one of those who qued up and pre-order the book so that I would not miss buying the book.

    I have grown up reading Harry Potter and Harry Potter had always play an important part in my life. I learnt English by reading books and Harry Potter help me to enrich my English vocabularies further as well as improving my English. Growing up in a small state and in a family with Bahasa Melayu as our first language makes me a person that is shy to converse in English. With Harry Potter, I learnt to overcome that hurdle. Harry Potter also helps me to become a better person for the fact that the book contains all sort of good things that can be followed. It touches about what our everyday life is filled with. You will find friendship, love, good, evil and many more aspect in it.

    I laughed, I smiled, I even shed tears reading the books. The memories that I had is priceless. Thank you Harry Potter for being with me from the first day I read the book until I've become who I am today. You will always have a special place in my heart.

    'You'll stay with me?'
    'Until the very end,' said James.
    'They won't be able to see you?' asked Harry.
    'We are part of you,' said Sirius. 'Invisible to anyone else.'
    Harry looked at his mother.
    'Stay close to me,' he said quietly.

    (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, page 561)

    I am proud to say that I have stuck with Harry until the very end.

    Sunday, July 24, 2011


    "Peluang yang dalam hidup ini sama juga macam kereta api, perlu digapai waktu dia sekejap terhenti depan diri. Terlewat sesaat, makan asap." (Contengan Jalanan, 2011).

    Datang tanpa diduga,
    Pergi tanpa dijangka,
    Bila digapai rasa indah,
    Bila terlepas rasa sesal.

    Thursday, July 7, 2011

    Low attention span

    You may see me looking all interested and giving my utmost attention, but actually I'm drifting away. I'll be listening to the lecture and then kapoomph! Suddenly I'll be thinking of something else and then suddenly kapoomph again! I'll be staring back at the lecturer/trainer thinking what did I missed just now. Kapoomph poomph again, my mind goes blank. Hahaha. Luckily it did not happened all the time. I'll be the most attentive person in the whole wide world when something interesting and amusing being presented to me. Well, who doesn't?

    Sunday, July 3, 2011


    Mencari erti hidup tatkala senja
    Tangisan luluh membasahi pipi
    Terasa kerdil yang teramat
    Mengingatkan kembali kisah lalu
    Mengapa dirasai saat ini
    Walhal hati sudah lama disita
    Sudah tertutup rapat
    Dan kunci itu dilontar jauh entah ke mana
    Entah mengapa
    Satu kalimah itu
    Tiba-tiba merentap jiwa ini
    Bagai tersedar dari mimpi yang tidak berkesudahan
    Bagai tercabut seluruh anggota
    Bagai dibangunkan dari tidur yang panjang
    Aku bukan lagi aku
    Yang usang ini lebih berharga
    Berbanding yang dulunya muda bertenaga
    Sapaan hidayahNya ketika usia usai tua
    Memberiku erti hidup
    Yang dicari selama ini
    Walau tika usia di hujung tanduk
    Aku berterima kasih
    Kerna masih sempat
    Temui apa yang dicari

    [E, The Traveller, 030711, 20:20, Batu Caves]

    Saturday, July 2, 2011

    I'm just like a radio

    I'm just like a radio,
    It's difficult to find the frequency that you want,
    But once you get it,
    You'll get to know everything.

    I'm just like a radio,
    You need to know the frequency that you want,
    Or else,
    You wouldn't even be able to find it in the first place.

    What you see is not entirely what lies beneath. So, please don't assume that you know me until you really get to know me.

    Sunday, June 26, 2011


    Hijrahku dari detik ini dengan harapan agar menjadi hambaNya yang lebih baik daripada sebelum ini, insyaAllah.

    Thursday, June 23, 2011

    Kinar - Ebdaa Band

    Lagu ni sangat comel. Menjadi salah satu lagu kegemaran bila diperkenalkan oleh my dear housemate waktu kat Brissy dulu. Tiba-tiba rasa nak share dgn semua orang. Sebabnya lagu yang baik perlu dikongsi bersama! Sharing is caring! (^_^)

    Lirik lagu kat bawah ni diambil dari

    شوفتـــــــــوا الكنـــــــار دوبـو ..دوبـو طــار
    صوته أحلـــى صوت و اسئلــــــوا الأشجار

    أحــلى ســــــلام و أحـــــلى انـسـجــــــام
    يــا عـمــــر الــــورود فـي أحـــلى نـهــــار
    عــنـدي كــــــلام عــايـــــــز اهـــتــمـــــــام
    يـــا ضـــيّ الـوجــــود يــــا إنـتو الصغـــــــار

    ربي الجليـــــل خــلّى الصــــوت جميـــــــل
    و أنــا مـــش بــخــيــــــل رايــح كـــــــل دار
    أشــــــدو و أطـــيـــــــر و أزور الغــديـــــــــر
    و أنـــــا لــــو صغـيـــــر عــمـــلي كــبــــــار

    دايـــمـــــــاً أقــــــــول ســـبـــحـان الكـريــم
    سبـحــــــان العظـيــــــم أســـعِـــد الأزهـــار
    وقــتـــي ثـــمــيـن عـــــــــزمي مــا يلــيـــن
    و المولى المعـين يــرزقـــنـــي الـثـمـــــــــار

    وانـتـوا كــمــان ســـمّـــــــــو بالـــرحــمـــــن
    وأسعــدوا الأوطــان خلـــيــــكم شطـــــــــــار
    ابنــــوا الحيــــــاة و اكــسـبــــوا الأوقـــــــــات
    الّلي وقـــــتـــه فـــــــات بيفـــــــوتو القطــــار

    adakah kamu tengok burung kenari, dubu dubu tor (bunyi burung dalam ba)
    suaranya sangat merdu, tanyalah pokok (kalau tak caya)

    Salam termanis dan ukhuwah terindah
    wahai bunga yang cantik di tengahari
    aku ada benda nak cakap ni, dengar baik2 tau
    wahai dhub (abende ni eh) wahai kamu semua yang comel (kecik)

    Rabbul Jalil menganugerahkan suara merdu
    Aku tak bakhil, aku pergi semua rumah
    Aku menyanyi dan terbang dan aku ziarahi tekukur
    walaupun aku kecil, tapi amal aku seperti org besar

    Aku selalu ucapkan Subahanal Karim
    Subhanal Azim, bunga yang plg bahagia
    waktuku berharga, azamku takkan senget (tegak sokmo)
    dan Tuhan membantu, dan merezekikanku buah2an

    Dan kamu semua juga diberi nama oleh Ar-Rahman
    Dan negara berbahagia jadikan diri kamu semua terbilang
    Binalah hidup dan kaut semua waktu
    Siapa yang luput waktunya, terlepas keretapi

    Sunday, June 19, 2011

    Obsesi dulu kala

    Return of the Cuckoo
    The Awakening Story
    A Matter of Customs
    Seven Sisters
    Burning Flame I, II
    Cold Blood Warm Heart
    At the Threshold of an Era I, II
    Armed Reaction I, II, III, IV
    Detective Investigation Files IV

    Penat lah nak type semua.

    Memori zaman dulu-dulu memang boleh buat senyum sorang-sorang. Pukul 6 ptg bukak tv3 nak tengok crita cina hong kong mali, pukul 7 sambung pulak kat tv2, sampai kena marah lah dgn mak & ayah, asek tengok crita cina. Betapa kroniknya penyakit ni waktu dulu, sampai lagu tema pon bole hafal, siap ada cita2 nak balajaq bahasa cina. Tak abes kat situ, pi sekolah, dok buat discussion dengan review skali dgn kawan-kawan yang sekaki. Memang obses!

    Sunday, June 5, 2011

    Till We Meet Again

    Will not be updating anything from now until 15th June 2011.

    One word: exam.

    Till we meet again, insyaAllah.

    Saturday, June 4, 2011

    Sihat Badan, Sihat Iman!

    Taman Metropolitan Kepong:
    aktiviti riadah Khamis petang: kite flying


    aktiviti riadah Sabtu pagi: brisk walking (unfortunately terlupa bawak Lumixku, makanya x dpt snap gambaq...kuang kuang kuang).

    Memang menarik, kena pi slaloo ni, baru sihat2 senantiasa! Dan baru lah motto ni dpt diikuti:

    Sihat Badan, Sihat Iman! (Brisbond 2008)

    Wednesday, June 1, 2011

    Google Translate anyone?

    Belek-belek email, terjumpa balik assignment untuk CHIN1200 waktu kat UQ dulu. Hohoho. Tried to use google translate and the result is hilarious. Tak percaya? Cer cuba cer cuba! Haha.

    Cer cuba cer cuba translate this:

    您好。我的名字是 E.K.A.K。我的生日是八月十九日。今年我将要二十二岁。我是马来西亚人。我住北面的马来西亚。可是,现在 我住澳大利亚。 这是因为我来澳大利亚由念书。我是坤石栏大学的学生。我念书会计。今学期我念书四个科目。我的四个科目是会计,法学 和两个中文科目。我喜欢中文。虽然中文是很难,我还喜欢。我的嗜好是阅读和琦车。我很喜欢巧克力。明年我回国。下学期是我的最后的学期。


    我的爸爸叫A.K.Y。他是五十六岁。他有饭馆。他是我的超人。他有很多的技。三十四前年他已婚我的妈妈。我的妈妈叫H.A 她是五十五岁。她帮忙我的爸爸。她的烹很好吃。爸爸,妈妈,我都很爱。




    Saturday, May 28, 2011

    Years From Now

    What will I be years from now?
    What will I wear? How will I look?
    I think too much. I think too much.

    Sometimes it’s scary over thinking,
    What you have or haven’t done,
    You think too much, you think too much.

    I like this song because of the lyric. Listen to it and you'll understand what I'm saying.

    Sing me this song and I'll be happy. Hahaha.

    p/s: Sometimes we just think too much about the future that we forgot to appreciate what we have now.

    Sunday, May 22, 2011

    Bawaku ke sana

    Ada apa di balik sana?
    Aku mahu tahu
    Aku ingin lihat
    Adakah lebih indah?
    Adakah lebih cantik?
    Bawaku ke sana
    Kerna ku ingin tahu

    Tuesday, May 17, 2011

    Put that aside & look here

    Sometimes you need to put aside your phone, your laptop, your ipad, etc for just a second.

    When there are people around you, wouldn't it be nice to be able to communicate and strike a decent conversation? What do you feel when they find it interesting to be focusing on their gadgets rather than talking to you? I find it to be annoying, boring and sad. Why? Because my gadgets isn't that cool as theirs! Hahaha. Kidding! Solely because we didn't grab the chance that we had to get to know each other.

    Having said that doesn't mean that I detest technologies. It's just that you just have to know when it's the right time or not to make use of it.

    You may or may not agree with me, but I'm just putting these thought of mine in writing as a reminder to myself.

    Sunday, May 15, 2011

    First Time

    Sun - Tue: Sandakan
    Wed: Lahad Datu
    Thurs -Fri: Kunak
    Sat: Tawau & KK

    Alhamdulillah. It was my first time in Sabah but I had the chance of my life to be in various places in just one week. Although it's tiring, I learnt a lot from this visit. The view & the scenery itself was breathtaking. It is indescribable. Camera and all the other technology can capture the scenery magnificently and beautifully but it can't beat the lenses that Allah gives to us which is the eye. Looking through my very own eyes gives the satisfaction that is unexplainable. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for giving the chance.

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    Wanita Seluruh Dunia

    Although it's quite late, but I still want to post a short & simple shout out to all the women in the world.

    Wahai wanita,
    Wanita yang berada di seluruh dunia,
    Tak kira bangsa,
    Umur atau rupa,
    Oh asalkan kau wanita,
    Ucapan ini amat khas,
    Untuk kamu semua!


    Selamat Hari Ibu kepada semua ibu terutamanya mak saya! Terima kasih mak!

    Let us shower our love to our mother each and every day!

    Yours truly,
    The Traveller, Sandakan.

    Sunday, April 24, 2011

    ting tong! abaikan ketingtongan ini.

    Hahahaha. Tinggal katil & rak  buku yg masih belum disassemble. Makanya aku mesti cepat & tangkas membuat kerja-kerja ini.

    Meja makan, kerusi makan, rak2 buku yang lain, meja study telah berjaya disassemble dengan sendirinya tanpa bantuan orang. Bab2 angkut-mengangkut juga berjaya dibuat sendiri tanpa bantuan orang lain. Hahaha. Tiba-tiba rasa macam badang versi perempuan pulak! Ahahaha. Tapi aku x makan muntah eh, aku makan nasi! Makanlah nasi anda kerna dengan itu anda akan menjadi sihat & kuat!

    Eh, apakah?

    Apakah aku ini? Hahahahaaa.

    Abaikan ketingtongan ini. Akan ku pastikan menjadi waras kembali apabila urusan pindah-memindah ini selesai.

    Wednesday, April 20, 2011

    Ke sana jua

     Pandang ke arah sana
    Terus-terusan melangkah
    Usah lagi berpaling
    Yang di belakang biarkan saja
    Namun jangan dilupakan
    Satu ingatan satu pelajaran
    Yang di depan usah terlalu dikejar
    Takut tersungkur di tengahnya
    Hati-hati susun langkah
    Walau jauh ketinggalan
    Pastikan sentiasa mengorak langkah
    Kerna gerak konsisten
    Lebih bererti
    Lebih tertusuk
    Ke dalam jiwa
    Pandang ke arah sana
    Pandang ke arah sana
    Dan pandang ke arah sana
    Kerna ke sana jua akan dituju

    ...7/2, SS (12.07 a.m.)...

    Saturday, April 16, 2011


    -Jaulah New South Wales & Gold Coast-
    Tiba-tiba dikau menjelma,
    Masuk ke dalam jiwa.

    Tiba-tiba rindu Brisbane.
    Tiba-tiba rindu nak ber road trip & yang seangkatan dengannya mcm dulu-dulu.

    Antara yg tersemat di ingatan:
    2006: Camping: Mount Mee - Kesempurnaan Orang Lain Menyempurnakan Kita
    2006: Hiking: Table Top Mountain
    Autumn 2007: Road Trip: Bribie Island - Lihat Alam, Buat Kawan, Ingat Tuhan
    2007: Jungle Trekking: Springbrook National Park - Drop Everything And Relax (D.E.A.R)
    Autumn 2008: Road Trip: Gold Coast - Grab Something, Cherish Everything
    2008: Explorace: Lost - Lost Without U
    2008: The last road trip: Byron Bay

    Banyaklah lagi yang dibuat di sana yang masih diingati. (banyak sangat sampai tak boleh nak list down semua).

    2011: ?

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    special shout out

    I'm not good in expressing my feelings through my actions. So, it's better for me to write this up in my blog. Here goes nothing:

    To my dear housemate, you know who you are (I doubt that she read my blog, hoho),

    I'll remember:
    the time we went for house-hunting with the traditional map in our hands,
    the uncountable time that we get lost in this wild city,
    all those talks (inspirational, motivational, gossips) that we had,
    our own investigation on things that only both of us knew,
    the time when we had to get water from the "pili bomba" (don't follow this..hohoho),
    the time when we panic on momentarily blackout,
    our shopping time, be it window shopping or the real one,
    the time when we tried to decipher what our landlord was saying,
    everything as long as I can (provided my brain capacity can hold these..hohoho).

    There are too many things to say but what I wanted to say is that I am thankful for having you as my housemate. Thanks for being a great housemate & a great buddy to me. All the good times & bad times that we shared together these 1 year will be remembered & cherished. I am truly sorry if my words, actions etc hurt you in any ways.

    Once again, thanks for putting up with me and my weirdness for these 1 year. 

    Mode: tetiba mode sedih la pulak, almaklumlah nak pindah..hahaha.

    Saturday, April 9, 2011

    Tibalah masanya

    Kita tiba di hujung pertemuan,
    Musim-musim yang berlalu,
    Hanya tinggal kenangan,
    Tersemat di dalam mindaku.

    Sedar tak sedar, hujung bulan 4 ni, genap 1 tahun sudah tinggal dekat SS ni. Juga tiba masanya utk ucapkan selamat tinggal kpd SS. Makanya, bermulalah sessi packing yg sgt memenatkan. Al maklumlah baru balik dr outstation, next week nak kluaq balik. Jadi, masa singkat yg ada perlu digunakan sebaik mungkin kerna hujung minggu depan ada kelas la pulak.

    Perasaan? Mixed feelings bak kata org putih. But, I felt more relieved & happy to go back to my bro's house. Walaupun jauh, aku x kisah. Biarlah org kata apa pun, it's my prerogative. I don't care what people says because what matter most is that it is my own decision & you just can't shut people's mouth all the time. At the end, it's our own family who will stick by you no matter what.

    Having said that, it's not that I don't have any sad feeling to leave this rented home of mine. I do felt that because at here, I learn a lot and I experienced a lot.

    All the good and bad times here will be remembered.

    Tuesday, March 29, 2011


    While I was browsing qisas (dot) com on words of wisdom, I came across one saying, which is:

    If you wish to mention the faults of your friends, mention your own faults first.

    Man, it goes straight to my heart! Hit it hard on my face. Makanya, setiap apa yg terjadi, haruslah bermuhasabah diri dahulu. Janganlah nampak salah orang sahaja, salah sendiri kena lah tengok dulu. Tak kira apa pon, perkara pertama yg perlu tengok adalah perbuatan sendiri dulu (walaupun kita x salah, cess masih tinggi ego di hati!)...

    May I be one of those who look at themselves first before pointing fingers to others, iA.

    Monday, March 28, 2011


    Orang selalu kata sahabat sejati adalah sahabat yang sentiasa bersama kita tak kira ketika kita senang atau susah. Banyak kriteria dlm menentukan dia sahabat kita yg sejati ataupun tidak dan semua orang ada pendapat masing-masing tentang kriteria mana dlm menjadikan kayu ukur bahawa dia adalah sahabat sejati. Bagi diri ini, ada 2 benda paling penting yg perlu ada utk menjadikan anda sahabat sejati saya & bagi diri ini utk menjadi sahabat sejati seseorang.


    Amatlah perlu sahabat jujur antara satu sama lain. Perlulah jujur sama ada benda itu baik ataupun buruk. Once you felt cheated, it's difficult for you to give your utmost trust to your friend.

    Bertimbang rasa:
    Sentiasa bertimbang rasa antara satu sama lain, tak kiralah dr segi bukan kewangan atau pun kewangan sangatlah diperlukan. Perlu sekiranya anda fikir tentang kawan anda sekali sekala, jangan asyik fikirkan diri sendiri sahaja. Ya, memang tak dinafikan yg kita perlu fikir diri sendiri dulu. Akan tetapi, kalau asyik pentingkan diri sehingga sahabat anda merana, tak patut kot. Janganlah asyik menjadi "free rider" (economic term la pulak). It's about give and take. You need to give as well.

    I'm tired of giving "free rides." So let me take a different path & road.

    Friday, March 18, 2011

    Knowing me

    If you don't know me by now,
    You will never never never know me.

    Sunday, March 13, 2011

    I'm a dreamer

    I see rainbows
    Though I always felt rain
    I see somebody
    Yet I don't actually
    I smile, I laugh, I cry freely
    Although I suppress all
    I paint colours that I like there
    It doesn't turn out that way here
    I can choose any storyline that I like
    In here, I'm just an actor
    There, I can choose the ending
    Here, I can only see the present, not the future
    For I don't know what's waiting

    I'm a dreamer
    Living in a real world
    Trapped in a dream

    I'm a dreamer
    Who find solace in dreaming

    ...the traveller is the dreamer, living room 7/2, SS, 2.05 am...

    Saturday, March 12, 2011


    Maafkan kami,  ♪♫♪♫, Maafkan kami, ♪♫♪♫.....

    Ampunn, sudah lama x mengupdate blog (mcm laaa ada org baca..hahaha).

    Anyway, ada readers ka x dak readers ka, I still want to write anything that I like..haha.

    Sempena x dak kelas hari ni, diri ini telah membuat keputusan membawa diri. Makanya bermulalah perjalanan:

    Batu 3 => Midvalley => Batu Caves => Jusco Bukit Tinggi, Klang => Batu 3

    Hajat hati pi Midvalley nak hantaq kamera kak ipaq utk repair. Sambil2 tu berjalan2 la cuci mata dan exercise di sekitarnya. Nak beli brg, duit tiadalah mencukupi. Maka terpaksalah meilhat2 sahaja sambil berjalan tanpa arah tujuan. Sudah berjalan tanpa arah tujuan dan apabila peluh sudah menitik2, maka tibalah masa utk pulang. Namun, x lengkap kalau balik tanpa singgah sebentar utk membeli minuman favourite. Apakah? Bukannya Coolblog, akan tetapi San Francisco Coffee! Disebabkan meminati segala jenis Mocha, maka kaki ini diheret ke arahnya lantas memesan Extreme Mocha. Yg bestnya bila beli Extreme Mocha ni, beli satu akan dapat satu dgn harga cuma 14.50 (Regular). Ni yg syok ni, kalau beli yg lain takpun kat tempat lain harga tu bole dpt satu saja. Lepas tu dpt cop lagi, bole redeem bila dah cukup point! Hahaha. At least terubat la gak rindu utk minum coffee/mocha & seangkatan dengannya. Kalau kat Brissy dulu mmg slaloo sangat minum especially Iced Mocha kat Zaraffa's Coffee. Sedapnyaaaa!! Hmmph, usah dikenang minuman yg jauh. Bila la lagi dpt minum..

    Setelah berjaya memenuhkan perut dgn 2 regular Extreme Mocha sahaja tanpa makanan apa2, maka kereta dipandu dgn machonya ke Batu Caves. Pulang ke rumah abg, utk meninjau2 surat2 yg ada. Alangkah sedihnya surat result ACCA belum lagi sampai. Agak2 bila laa nak sampai, diri ini sudah tidak sabar2 utk claim tuition fees & exam fees utk paper P1 drpd company tercinta.

    Tinjauan bak YB melawat kawasan ditamatkan, lantas menghala ke arah Klang pula. Maka sekali lagi kereta dibawa dgn macho. Dlm perjalanan, kereta dicucuk2 dr belakang menandakan pemandu belakang mahukan laluan utknya memecut walhal kereta di depanku adalah amat slow. Dah tahu nak bawak lambat mcm kura2, masih teringin nak berada di lane paling kanan. Perkara ini berlanjutan sehingga diri ini terasa hilang sabar. Maka, keputusan harus dibuat, dgn skilfulnya diri ini memasukkan kereta ke lane tengah lantas menyelit2 utk memecut berada di depan kereta yg lambat mcm kura2 tadi. Terasa lega. Akan tetapi si pemandu kereta tadi terasa tercabar kerana dia dipotong oleh kereta diri ini, tambah2 perempuan yg bawa. Maka kerana tercabar kelelakiannya dia mengambil keputusan utk memotong kereta si perempuan ini. OOoo tercabar eh? Ingat kau sorg tercabar? Aku pon tercabar gak. Makanya aku pon mula memecutkan kereta lantas memintas kereta tadi dgn coolnya. Puas hatiku. Hahahaha. 

    Sampai di Jusco Bukit Tinggi, mulalah aktiviti cuci mata & exercise di situ pulak. Sedikit brg keperluan, bukannya kehendak telah dibeli di situ. Apabila mata melihat jam, oh rupanya masa telah mencemburui diri ini, maka kakiku diheret ke arah kereta utk memulakan perjalanan pulang.

    7.30 mlm, sampailah sudah ke destinasi terakhir, iaitu rumah!

    Baiklah, stakat itu shj cerita tentang adventure soloku pada hari ini! Semoga ada pengembaraan yg lebih menarik menantiku di suatu hari nanti.

    I'll wait patiently..(^_^)